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WednsedayWordEdSunday2017 (JPEG, 144 Kb, 794x457)

The theme for this year's Education Sunday , 10th September 2017. is 'Gathered in my name', and a range of resources for schools and parishes is available on the Catholic Education Service website.

The downloadable resources include a Mass booklet, social media guide, and A Wednesday Word resource for...

BrentwoodLogo (PNG, 46 Kb, 249x148)

Brentwood Diocese has put together a range of links to Lent activities, from crafty projects like making a crown of thorns or stained glass window to freeze-frame Stations of the Cross.

They also have some great ideas for ideas for school-wide campaigns during Lent, such as supporting Aid to the Church...

WWDPPhilippines (PNG, 520 Kb, 500x719)

Women's World Day of Prayer 2017 is on Friday 3rd March. It's one of the biggest ecumenical prayer events worldwide, and each year, Christian women from a different country write a prayer service for a new theme. This year's theme , 'Am I being unfair to you' is about justice, and was inspired by the...

St Peter Claver Assembly & Lesson Plans

Mon, 5 Sep 2016

Apostleship of the Sea

Stella Maris (formerly The Apostleship of the Sea) has some great assembly and lesson plans based on the 'Apostle of the Slaves' on its website.

The resources are for Stage 2 and 3/4, and provide interesting material on his life and work, and on how the Apostleship of the Sea follows in his footsteps...

LampedusaCross (PNG, 184 Kb, 1167x827)

Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN), Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and CAFOD have come together to produce a resource to enable the Catholic Community to reflect on the European refugee crisis, drawing inspiration from the famous Lampedusa crosses.

The Lampedusa crosses, hewn by an Italian carpenter from...

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CAFOD have put together a really great confirmation resource called 'Be Revolutionary'!

You can find everything you need to know about it, and the resources themselves on CAFOD's site here

"In this Confirmation resource we hope to provide an adaptable set of activities that you can integrate into your...

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CAFOD have some really great resources, some that focus on Lent, and others on their One Climate, One World campaign that focuses on climate change and how it has the biggest impact on poorest people in our world.

Primary schools:

One Climate, One World campaign

Climate change is the biggest threat to reducing...

This site has some great resources on for looking at how some of the people who make our clothes are very unfairly treated.

You can find the resources section here.

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CRS Education Resources

There are some really good things on here, but unlike CAFOD's resources it's tailored to the States, and focuses almost entirely on things best suited to lessons. It's here.

Your alternate text will goes here

There's a whole series of resource on this site about teaching peace including prayers, activities and themes for sessions/lessons. You can download the whole things as one, or look at the individual elements. Take a look at them here!

There's lots of bits of miscellaneous info on here, and really useful list of hymns! Find it all here.

Free resources with prayers and reflections from Loyola Press in the US. If you go back to the root menu youll find more advent bits and bobs.